I’m almost willing to bet money that the first time you wanted to remove hair from your legs or underarm you reached for a razor–and you’re not alone. It’s easy to shave; you can buy a razor almost anywhere, it takes a few minutes to glide on your skin while you’re in the shower and voila, you have goddess-like silky smooth legs…for a few days. I probably don’t have to say it, but yes, the struggle is real.
What are your other options? You have laser hair removal which is costly and then there is waxing which is scary. But why are we scared of waxing? Movies like The 40 Year Old Virgin makes waxing look like someone is ripping layers of your skin off for pure pleasure, but we’re also afraid because we don’t exactly know what to expect. I recently took the plunge and got a hard wax at the Fuzz Wax Bar and sat down with Diana Rodriguez, the District Manager, to talk about the pros of waxing, how you can prepare for a wax and what to expect when getting your hair removed.
“There are a lot of benefits that come with waxing, one of them being that the more consistent you are with waxing, the hair will actually stop growing and start fining out. In the long run you will have less hair,” Diana shares. “With shaving, too, you will notice right away some growth–especially in the winter season!” On average, you won’t see hair growth after waxing for at least a week, and let me tell you, the hair growth is very gradual – you barely notice it coming in! After shaving you probably feel your skin getting prickly and seeing some hair growth after three days.
However, if you’ve been shaving for a while and have decided to change teams, you will experience some pain at first. “If you were a constant shaver, you would have a more painful experience because the roots of the hair become really course and stubborn. As you wax more and more it will become easier, smoother and you will start to grow less hair,” Diana says.
For my personal experience, I went all in and got a Brazilian wax. Was I nervous? Of course–that’s a sensitive area. However, my esthetician, Shana, made me feel very comfortable by explaining what was going on, how I’m going to feel and what she’s going to do next. Fuzz Wax Bars uses hard wax, as opposed to soft wax, for the sensitive areas–face, underarm and Brazilians–and thank goodness because my pain tolerance is very low. “Soft wax actually adheres to hair and to your skin. So you’re doing two things: you’re removing the hair which is already painful but you’re also removing a small layer of skin,” Diana explains. “The hard wax also feels hot on the skin but there’s actually a smaller chance of burning the skin.” Hard wax isn’t a new thing but a lot of people have been turned off by hard wax because they experienced a low quality product; “You can tell if a wax is low quality because those waxes break very easily, so you put a patch on and you have to take it off in a million little pieces–which already sounds very painful! We are very happy to cover the cost of such a high quality wax because it makes a huge difference.”
Before attending my appointment, I did a little bit of research on how to prepare my skin. I read online that you should go with some hair growth because if it’s too short then you might not get all of the hair removed properly. “Something else to keep in mind is getting all of your duties done prior to your waxing. We recommend no exercise, or anything that causes the skin to sweat, 24 hours after a waxing,” Diana adds. “You should also wear loose clothing if possible and full cotton underwear is preferred over a thong.” Staying away from heat and sweat, and wearing comfortable clothing, will help you from irritating your skin.
After a waxing, there are a few things you should keep in mind. “The products that you use as well is important. Exfoliation goes hand in hand in waxing. After a waxing, stay away from exfoliating for at least 24 hours so that your skin can get back to normal,” Diana shares. “When it comes to lotions, the more natural, less perfumed creams, are better.” Fuzz Wax Bar has a few in-house products that are 100% natural. For example, the Fuzz Skin Hydrating Body Lotion is specifically designed to sooth and smooth freshly waxed skin. Its light texture doesn’t clog the pore and penetrates the skin quickly. The cream is so light and smooth that you’ll want to use it all over your body, all of the time.
There’s another big factor that comes to play when we think about getting a wax: being uncomfortable. We have to lay on a table and let someone put hot wax on us, only to rip it off as fast as they can. But Diana, who’s been esthetician for many years, offers some wise words; “This is all we do, all day long, so in a way we are desensitized to it. We are all girls; we all suffer with those questions of ‘What does it look like? Is it normal?’ so I usually just let them relax and walk them through their appointment–especially if it’s their first time.” I can definitely testify to that! So if you’re thinking about getting a wax done, check out the services that the Fuzz Wax Bar offers and book your appointment today!
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