
Issue 03: Editor’s Letter (and Your Feedback)

Cover of Faze Magazine
Juliette Powell on the cover of  Faze Magazine!

I remember cramming for exams and pulling an all-nighter with five other people when one of the girls came tumbling down the stairs. I stared, in shock for a moment, then rushed over and helped her to the couch. This was my first encounter with a suicide attempt.

She was intelligent, attractive, popular and seemed very happy. What could have driver her to this? I never found out. But it the time that has passed I have never forgotten her. She reminds me that everyone has a story – and that what we see outside is usually not all of it.

The article “When Friends Want to Die” will hopefully give you some insight into suicide and ways that you can help.

Good Reading!

Lorraine signature

Lorraine Zander
Lorraine is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Faze Magazine


Letters To The Editor

I’ve been dating someone who I know my parents will never accept because of his ethnic background and I’ve been too chicken to face my parents and let them meet. He’s really a great guy and I know I’m hurting him by hiding out relationship – especially since he’s introduced me to his family. Your article [Interracial Relationshipshas given me somewhere to start! I feel I can face them now and I’m ready to make a stand.
Sue, 17, Vancouver, BC

Be strong, but patient.

Thanks for the info on iguanas [Green Iguanas]. I have been bugging my parents to let me get one for the past three months, but had no idea they can grow to five to seven feet long in a few years! I’ve definitely changed my mind.
Michael, 15, Alberta

Not to mention they can live up to  20 years or more.

Finally! A real magazine to read! I’ve given up on those other glam mags that suggests all we’re interested in is our lipstick and nail polish. I like the way you have a little bit of everything.
Tina, 16, Cyberspace

I’ve known my dad’s banker for years but never thought about using her on my resume. I’ve already made the changes and added her to my references. Thanks! [Banking on your Future].
Stephen, 16, Cyberspace

Good luck with the job hunt.

When I read your suggestions on fashion design [Is Fashion Design For You?] I got on the phone right away. I will now be helping with a fashion show at one of our malls for their upcoming winter collection. Thanks for the tip – I’m on my way!
Mindy, 15, Toronto, ON

Keep us posted.

Thanks for your article [Hit the Road}. I’ve always wanted to be a part of a study abroad program but never really looked into it. It was great to have my options neatly laid out for me. I am now looking into “volunteering abroad.”
John, 17, Quebec


Faze welcomes letters to the editor.
Please send (with age and where you’re from) to editor@faze.ca

Faze reserves the right to edit for length and clarity.

From Faze Magazine Issue #3

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