Movies & TV

Movie Review: Source Code

“What would you do if you knew you had less than 8 minutes to live?”

Source Code Jake

Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Donny Darko), a US soldier, wakes up on a train, in a body that’s not his own. Eight minutes later that train explodes, killing the commuters on board.

Colter realizes quickly that he is part of a government mission to solve the mystery of the bomber using the “Source Code”–the program that sends him back into the last eight minutes of someone else’s life.

Reliving the same eight minutes again and again, Colter must continually pull clues from the past to find the explosives and the culprit on board, before the next attack on the city.

Source Code: stars Jake and Michelle heat things up on screen

Here’s the run down:

Action: Definitely. If you like edge-of-your-seat films with tons of twists, like Inception, you’ll love this one.

Romance: Check! Michelle Monaghan (Eagle, Made of Honor) stars as Christina–the friend-turned-love-interest that Jake Gyllenhaal tries to save.

Humour: You bet. Look out for Canada’s own Russell Peters, who provides some comic relief from the impending doom, playing a jaded comedian on board the train to destruction.

Source Code starring Jake Gyllenhaal

Here’s the trailer for Source Code. Check it out!

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