Movies & TV

Review: “Delivery Man” Delivers A Good Laugh

You’re never quite ready for what life delivers.

delivery man

Based on the French-Canadian hit film Starbuck, Delivery Man is the Hollywood version that follows David Wozniak (Vince Vaughn), a meat delivery truck driver who was an “over-active” sperm donour back in the day.

When a lawyer informs him that there was a mix-up at the clinic and he is technically the biological father of 533 children–a large portion of whom are petitioning the clinic to reveal his identity–David has to decide what to do. Stay hidden? Embrace his new daddy role?

His friend, and now lawyer, Brett (Chris Pratt) takes on the case and advises him not to open the envelope they were given containing profiles of each child. But curiousity takes over. David can’t resist.

As he gets to know his kids, observing and interacting with them as a stranger, David starts to think that perhaps this is what was missing, what will give his life meaning. Especially when his pregnant maybe-girlfriend tells him that he needs to “get a life” before she’ll consider letting him be the father of their baby.

I don’t think 533 step-children were what she had in mind…

delivery man


Here’s the run down:

Humour: Although Vince Vaughn usually makes me bowl over with laughter, it’s Chris Pratt, the actor who plays his almost-incompetant lawyer friend Brett, who really gets the audience howling. And his four misbehaving children help the hilarity.

Romance: David is near all-consumed by the kid drama in his life, but he is also trying to win back the girl of his dreams and convince her that he can be a good dad–even though she has no idea he already is one.

Drama: While all of this is going on, David is also running from thugs he owes $80,000 because he borrowed the money to invest in a technology company that turned out to be a scam. I guess you could say his bad life choices deliver a truckload of bad luck.

delivery man

Here’s the official trailer for DELIVERY MAN

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