Abortion Pill in Supermarkets
In a controversial move, Britain’s largest supermarket chain, Tesco, piloted a project to dispense the ‘Morning After’ pill, free-of-charge to teenagers, in an attempt to reduce unwanted pregnancies. However, in response to pressure from customers to cease the distribution, Tesco abandoned the project. Questions have been raised about the health risks of the pill, particularly among young teens. There are fears that high doses of hormones in the pill could have an adverse effect on fertility in later years.
Source: BBC News and SPUC New Release
Go Green!
U.S. researchers say vegetarian teens have a healthier diet than their meat-eating counterparts. A team at the University of Minnesota studied more than 4,500 teens, of which 262 were vegetarians, and found that the vegetarians were, “1.4 to two times more likely to eat two or more servings of fruit, three or more servings of vegetables and five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily.” The vegetarians got more iron, vitamin A, folate and fiber, however, both groups failed to get enough calcium.
Source: Reuters
Date Rape Drug Surges
Police say the number of young Canadians voluntarily using the date rape drug GHB to get high is on the rise. It is often used because it is relatively cheap, triggers a euphoric feeling and enhances sexual urges. However, predators know that it also causes dizziness, loss of inhibition, memory impairment and often loss of consciousness. Overdoses can result in a coma or death. Det. Page of the Toronto Police Service says, “It’s used as a weapon. It scares me because of how easily they can put it into someone’s drink.”
Source: The National Post
Arrested for Burning Shoes on Plane
A Canadian teen, of Iranian descent, was arrested after an attendant on a US Airlines flight saw him flicking a butane lighter near his shoes. The 17-year-old told police he was trying to burn loose material off of it. After being interviewed by federal authorities, the teen was cited for disorderly conduct and released into his father’s custody.
Source: CBC News
School Shut Down Over Bribery
A principal at a Belgrade high school in Yugoslavia quit after teachers refused to stop taking bribes from students seeking better grades. Some teachers were forging diplomas for more affluent pupils. The government has shut down the school and fired its 100 teachers. “It‘s extraordinarily damaging when children see at the age of 15 that you can buy a teacher off for less than $50.” Teachers are paid about 150 euros a month (approx. $225).
Source: Teen World News
The Unveiling
The Islamic government of Iran, in power since 1979, has decided to let girls and their teachers at all-female schools remove their veils and robes during class. For now, this applies only for schools in the capital, Tehran, which is more liberal than the conservative provincial towns. Families say the heavy black outfits depress children and cause skin rashes and hair loss. A local newspaper complained that relaxing the rule encourages nudity.
Source: ABC News Online
Date Rape Drug Surges
Police say the number of young Canadians voluntarily using the date rape drug GHB to get high is on the rise. It is often used because it is relatively cheap, triggers a euphoric feeling and enhances sexual urges. However, predators know that it also causes dizziness, loss of inhibition, memory impairment and often loss of consciousness. Overdoses can result in a coma or death. Det. Page of the Toronto Police Service says, “It’s used as a weapon. It scares me because of how easily they can put it into someone’s drink.”
Source: The National Post
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