Are you deciding whether or not pledging a sorority is for you?
Joining a sorority is a big decision, and as with all big decisions the best thing to do is to learn more before you dive in.
There are many factors to consider when thinking about sorority recruitment and if it’s the right fit for you.
According to an article from Teen Vogue on Deciding to Join a Sorority, there are ten things you should consider before joining a sorority as follows:
- There is a financial commitment;
- The gain of a valuable post-grad network;
- Parties – if you don’t like them, you may want to reconsider;
- Time commitment;
- Wearing the letters is expected;
- Not for the faint at heart;
- The Reputation of the House may affect your reputation;
- A commitment to volunteer work;
- Gaining a social circle; and
- Lack of privacy (if living in the sorority house).
With all these things to consider, is it really worth joining a sorority?
What are the Advantages of Joining a Sorority?
In a popular question thread on Quora, Should I join a Sorority in College? many former and active sorority members voice their opinions.
Some of the advantages of a sorority listed by the respondents to the question were as follows:
- A good way to gain new friends;
- Involvement in charity and social events;
- Mentorship and school advice from older members; and
- Leadership opportunities, which can help you develop your leadership abilities.
Joining a sorority can be a great way to become part of a community and to work on your social skills.
The leadership opportunities provided through the sorority structure and involvement in community service are important considerations for those thinking of pledging. Becoming a leader in your sorority can give you experience that is transferable to being a leader in the world of work.
Not all sororities have a “House” but, housing is another benefit that might be available and one that should be considered.
From an academic standpoint, greek organizations usually have study hours and a minimum GPA. Having a group of older students in your network that you can ask for help if you get stuck with your studies can be a major advantage.
In the future, the network you build while in school can be valuable to your career and help you to have a community to draw on when you need advice in a new city or venture.
As with anything you are interested in, if you are curious about joining a sorority it doesn’t hurt to find out more.
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