In a world of incomparable beauty, where myths are reality and danger lurks around the corner of realms we never knew existed, Stephenie Meyer reaches new heights in imagination and romance. She introduces an impossible world and gives it the breath of life.
The Twilight Saga, a revolutionary book series that has captured hearts of readers everywhere with its captivating characters and unpredictable plot has brought new meaning to love, laughter and immortality. With over 40 million copies of each book from the series sold, it’s an understatement to say that Meyer has been successful in making her vampire-human love story extremely popular.
Starting in 2008, Meyer’s mysterious world seemed even closer at hand when Summit Entertainment began turning her multi-million selling book into a feature films that were box office hits again and again.
On July 30th-Aug 1st, Twi-hards are given the opportunity to witness the Twilight experience firsthand and meet the characters they have grown to know and love as The Official Twilight Convention makes a stop at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, Ontario.
Faze spoke to BooBoo Stewart, a new addition to the Twilight cast who has already become close with his co-workers. “You know, they’re like a family,” he says about his cast members.
BooBoo Stewart plays Seth Clearwater in the most recent of the Twilight films, Eclipse. Born on January 21st, 1994 and raised in Beverly Hills, California, BooBoo has always had a love for acting and has reached his highest achievement this year. When asked how his life has changed since the movie had come out, he answers, “It’s definitely gotten a lot busier; there are fans now and it’s just been really fun.”
But the rising star remains grounded, keeping in mind where he’s come from. “I’ve just been having a really good time with family. They’ve just been so excited and happy to be a part of Twilight.” His excitement and enthusiasm for Twilight is evident in his passionate voice and exceptional acting.
Fans will be able to see BooBoo Stewart and several of the other Twilight cast members this weekend, Friday to Sunday. Get ready to meet the stars, check out tons of memorabilia and discover a whole new Twilight experience.
Want to see how it went? Check out our intern report from the event!
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