According to media stories that have gone viral, Jordan James Parke, a 23-year-old Brit and self-proclaimed ultimate Kim Kardashian super-fan has spent a small fortune in a bid to look like his idol. Jordan states he started following her when he was 19. “I love everything about Kim. She’s the most gorgeous woman ever. Her skin is perfect, her hair, everything about her,” he tells The Sun newspaper.
Jordan says he fell in love with the E! star after watching an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. “I love Kim so much. I was brought up by my mom and my nan so I’ve always admired really strong women,” he explains on the UK show This Morning. He also loves Mariah Carey and Katie Price but says Kim is his ultimate idol.
Jordan undergoes “Vampire Treatments” to be just like Kim.
Like millions of other adoring Kim Kardashian followers, he aspires to emulate her perceived perfection. In an attempt to recreate her seemingly flawless skin, Jordan has undergone “Vampire Treatments” on a regular basis. The gruesome-looking procedure is scientifically referred to as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, whereby your own blood is processed in order to increase the levels of platelets which supposedly boosts the skin’s ability to rejuvenate. The processed blood is then injected back into the targeted areas on your face. Jordan stated, “As soon as I saw Kim get it done on KUWTK, I was like, I need to try that, I need to get that done!”
Jordan receives regular Platelet Rich Plasma injections.
Earlier stories chronicling his many procedures claimed Jordan’s life was consumed by his dream to look like the reality show mega-star and that he had spent over $150K to surgically make his dream come true. He apparently went as far as to build a wardrobe and accessory collection that mirrors the Kardashian look.
Jordan proudly states that he has undergone as many as 50 procedures including lip-plumping, Botox, cheek filler, chin filler, having his eyebrows tattooed, microdermabrasion, laser hair removal, and of course, the PRP Therapy.
After a bombardment of media and public commentary that has overwhelmingly deemed his over-the-top appearance a failed attempt to become a Kim Kardashian look-a-like, he recently stated on This Morning, “I don’t want to look like Kim. If I looked exactly like Kim I’d demand a refund.”
Nevertheless, Jordan stated, “I love Kim’s bum. Her bum is amazing.” He went on to say, “I’d like to get a bum as big as hers, but I won’t get implants,” and added, “I’ve been looking at body contour. I want to get lipo on my stomach and back and then they put the fat back into your bum.”
Jordan clearly has a physical aesthetic he is striving towards and is willing to go to great lengths and costs to achieve it. But let’s hope he’s putting as much thought, effort, and energy into other aspects of his life that will encourage positive personal development and growth. Jordan, if you’re reading this: There’s no better Kim than Kim, and no better you than you!
Photos of Jordan via instagram @jordanjamesmakeup
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