
Chris Brown Relationship Advice

Chris Brown gonna smack you

“101 for a guy if he’s trying to get a chick: holla at her first and see how her reaction is. If she don’t like you off the top for who you are, you shouldn’t be with her.” That’s the love advice we got from R&B artist Chris Brown, who used to sing to girls to get their attention. “Then just ignore her like there’s something better in the world than her. And then she’ll love you.”

While the Virginia native doesn’t claim to be an expert in relationships (thank goodness!), his debut album Young Love shows that he, like many teens, are capable of love—and much more. Chris’ own growing portfolio is enough to prove it with credits including songwriting, dancing, and co-directing his second video, “Yo (Excuse me miss).” His advice for a life well lived? “Never be afraid to follow your dream and at the same time be focused on doing your thing.”

Chris Brown

Editor’s Note: 
Hmmm…keep in mind this interview with Mr. Brown was well before his Rihanna bashing incident, we would probably follow a more serious line of questioning of this unstable scumbag if we Faze girls interviewed him at all.

Written by Faze contributor Sydnia Yu

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