
Coffee Time Chat With Econoline Crush

Days after the release of their album Ignite, Econoline Crush was ready to perform alongside Three Days Grace and Seether at the Kool Haus in Toronto. Lead singer, Trevor Hurst took a coffee break with Faze to give us his two cents on music and life.

Econoline Crush

Faze: Musical influences…?

Trevor: Life lessons, experiences. A story is created that is carried through each song.

Faze: What is special about your single, “Dirty”?

Trevor: The beginning has a gritty mood that provokes the image of a burlesque dancer.

Faze: Favourite part of being in a band…

Trevor: The brotherhood that you get sharing the experiences with the guys.

F: Favourite band to tour with…

Trevor: KISS, they’re just so over-the-top. And just seeing how they are in real life compared to on stage.

F: What is music to you?

Trevor: Music is therapy that blocks out everything and relaxes you.

Written by Faze’s Yanyi Ma

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