Jessica Alba on the cover of Faze Magazine
Big or small, enjoy it all.
In one month my uncle died, my cousin died, my aunt got a rare infection in her lungs and another uncle got sick with too many problems to list here. It was a tough month, albeit tougher for them than for me.
However, it got me thinking—it’s time to celebrate! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean celebrate their suffering, but rather celebrate life. It’s amazing how easily homework, dreary jobs, friend issues, boyfriend sagas, family dynamics, and daily dramas can distract us from what’s really important: enjoying life.
Regardless of the hardships we might be going through, we need to find something to celebrate. It doesn’t have to be something monumental, it may be something as simple as enjoying your best friend’s quirky laugh, or appreciating the smile you get when you hug your mom for no special reason, or savouring every bite of your dinner when you remember that millions of people have nothing to eat.
We need to enjoy living. Don’t just go through the motions, but really feel, smell, taste, and hear life happening around us. Be alive. Make your senses tingle. Over the next few weeks take the time to celebrate the minutiae in your life; all the little things you take for granted.
Here are some suggestions:
1) Go somewhere dark and quiet to listen to yourself breathe. Feel your lungs move and smell the air around you.
2) Close your eyes while you eat your favourite food. Chew slowly. Really taste it!
3) Look closely at your favourite person’s (or pet’s!) face. Observe every detail and see their beauty.
4) Listen over and over to a slow song you love. Learn all the lyrics.
5) Crawl into your clean bed, smell the sheets, and feel the warmth and softness.
Every day that goes by is another opportunity to create an unforgettable memory, big or small.
Lorraine is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Faze Magazine
Here I am taking the time to enjoy the soft warmth of a sleepy kitten.
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