
4 Quick Questions With Backstreet Boy AJ McLean

We sat down briefly with AJ McLean from The Backstreet Boys when he passed through Toronto recently.

AJ McLean

1. How has your music changed since your first album?

AJ: “There was a natural progression of getting older. And we’ve become more involved in the creative process.”

2. How are the difficulties you went through reflected in your life today?

AJ: “It was a life-changing experience. I’ve taken charge of my life and I’m more vocal about my opinions, rather than turning to drinking or drugs.”

3. How do you guys deal with each other on tour?

AJ: “We give each other space. We usually have our own buses so we play video games and do our own thing.”

4. What’s your philosophy on love?

AJ: “Don’t look for it. It will just come to you.”


Written by Faze’s Yanyi Ma

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