Sports & Fitness

Straight to the Core: Swiss Ball Core Training

We all know core training is important for strength, stability, and (of course) great abs. Try these new moves on your Swiss ball for a washboard stomach worth bragging about.

1. Push Crunch

• Start with your bum on the centre of the ball.
• Lean back and raise your toes.
• Roll your hips back as you bring your elbows in front of your knees.

Swiss Ball Core Training

Swiss Ball Core Training

TIP: Don’t use your quads and keep your abs tight.

2. Prayer Bridge

• Start with your weight on your elbows and your arms at 90 degrees from your body.
• Roll forward. (The ball won’t move much.)
• Keep practicing until your chin touches the ball.

Swiss Ball Core Training

Swiss Ball Core Training

TIP: Do this move on your toes for an intense burn.

3. Pike Bridge

• Start with your bum raised slightly to make your back parallel to the floor.
• Raise your hips and come up on your toes.
• Bring your hips as high as possible.

Swiss Ball Core Training

Swiss Ball Core Training

TIP: Try to bring your hips over your shoulders for increased intensity.

4. Prayer Twist

• In the prayer position, bring one knee close to the ball, as if your legs are in a track start.
• Twist to one side—push through the ball and rotate across your upper arm until your shoulder touches the ball.
• Rotate back to the start position. (Finish all your reps in that direction before changing sides.)

Swiss Ball Core Training Ashley Ebner

Swiss Ball Core Training

TIP: A slightly deflated ball builds strength in this move.

5. Push-Up Twist

• In the push-up plank, kick one leg up and back, reaching over the other leg.
• Touch the heel (only) of the reaching leg to the ground, keeping your weight on the pivoting foot.
• Keep both legs straight and your shoulders square to the ball.

Swiss Ball Core Training Ashley Ebner

Swiss Ball Core Training Ashley Ebner

TIP: Reach your leg wider and farther away for increased intensity.

6. Clock Twist

• Elevate the ball with your feet at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock.
• Bring your shoulders off the ground and keep your upper abs contracted.
• Keeping your legs straight, twist your feet to 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock. Repeat the twist in the other direction.

Swiss Ball Core Training Ashley Ebner

Swiss Ball Core Training

TIP: Leave your upper body on the ground for an easier workout.

Our trainer Dennis Lindsay, the director of Toronto’s PROformance Athletes Gym. 

Photography by James White
Faze Model Ashley Ebner
Wearing Nike gear

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