Movies & TV

Movie Review: Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope

Comic-Con A Fan's Hope Stan Lee Morgan Spurlock

From the guy who brought you Super Size Me comes a documentary about one of the largest conventions on the planet–San Diego Comic-Con International–as seen through the eyes of those who know it best: the die-hard fans. In Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope, Morgan Spurlock follows a collector of action figures, a seller of comic books, a couple of hopeful graphic artists, a costume designer and more, in order to show what this convention is really all about, which is an opportunity for people with similar interests to come together and celebrate the things that they love.

Comic-Con A Fan's Hope

The first convention was in 1970 and it has grown more and more popular every year. In 2010, they have over 130,000 attendees and filled the San Diego Convention Centre to capacity.

The documentary also features interviews by Kevin Smith (writer/director of Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and more), Frank Miller (director of Sin City, The Dark Knight Rises and more), Seth Green (creator of Robot Chicken), Stan Lee (comic book writer and co-creator of Marvel characters like Spider-Man, the Hulk, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor and more) and–my favourite, due to my high school obsession with his shows–Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and director of The Avengers).

Comic-Con A Fan's Hope Stan Lee Morgan Spurlock

Here’s The Run Down on Comic-Con

Information: If you’ve never been the conference in San Diego, this film will definitely make you want to sign up for tickets next year! It’s a great way to learn what types of things happen and how people use the conference for more than just entertainment: if you want into this industry, it’s one of the best places to start.

Comedy: The interviews with famous writers/directors, like Kevin Smith, Joss Whedon and Stan Lee, are hilarious! They work nicely to break up the action of the film.

Entertainment: If you haven’t explored a lot of documentaries before, this may be the one to start on. It feels more like a show you might see on MTV–with several storylines that are fun, funny and easy to follow.

COMICON EPISODE IV: A FAN’S HOPE is now available on blu-ray and DVD. Check it out!

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