Movies & TV

Movie Review: Goodbye First Love, From French Filmmaker Mia Hansen-Løve.

 Un amour de jeunesse.

Goodbye First Love

At 15, Camille has already fallen in love with the 19-year-old Sullivan–a guy she finds utterly captivating and addictive. But though she has given her heart fully to him, she’s not so
sure that he has: Sullivan disappears for days on end, without so much as a text or phone call. When the summer ends, he leaves on a supposed “10-month” trip to South America. He writes to her, at first, and she gets to hear all about his adventures overseas. But soon the letters stop and Camille finds herself heartbroken and alone. She must find her own path, without him.

Four years later, Camille meets a distinguished architect, Lorenz, while in school and suddenly she’s in love and on a promising career path. But what will happen when Sullivan returns?

Goodbye First Love

Here’s the run down:

Drama: He loves me, he loves me not: that’s the basic roller coaster ride of drama that Camille goes on throughout this film. Whether you love him, or hate him, Sullivan is definitely an interesting character who is hard to predict. But he makes for some great drama!

Romance: Everyone can relate to this tale of the intense passion of a first love, so it’s sure to bring up some unique memories for all as you watch Camille struggle between the overpowering feelings of attachment and the knowledge that life does go on.

Travel: Set in the beautiful city of Paris, this film’s taste of France may make you want to do a bit of travelling yourself! If so, a great place to start is the full retrospective film series Summer in France.

The Director:  Mia Hansen-Løve is a young French filmmaker, daughter to two philosophy professors. She wrote and directed the semi-autobiographical Goodbye First Love, her third major film. Goodbye First Love has received special mention at festivals and has received a very impressive 80% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Goodbye First Love
Writer-director Mia Hansen-Løve

GOODBYE FIRST LOVE will be playing, as a part of the Fathers and Daughters: The Films of Mia Hansen-Løve series at the TIFF Lightbox this weekend.

Note: Goodbye First Love does contain some mature themes. Pretty typical of most European films honestly depicting teen love/angst. It has a PG rating

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